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Sundays Church Attendant

Were I to attend the Sunday services, I would like to think of this to be my regular dress code. It's rather clever the way a neck tie or a simple cloth wrapped around your neck adds to your outfit formal or stylish look.

Oh how vivid is my memory of the day I purchased the dungarees at Fara Charity Shops in Gloucester Road. It was the day Amy Winehouse died, and me and a friend of mine learned about the news while browsing through the shop. They are the highest quality denim, I have worn them for so long with absolutely no maintenance, an absolutely exquisite piece.

This pink shirt was the first shirt I sewn by myself, and it has every characteristics of a shirt I like.

Kdybych se kazdou nedeli ucastnila mse, v tomhle osaceni byste me tam nejspis potkali.

Jako by to bylo vcera, co jsem za tyhle paradni laclace platila £15 v charitativnim sekaci v den, kdy odesla Amy Winehouse. Zrovna jsem s kamaradem brouzdala obchodem na Gloucester Road v Kensingtonu, kdyz celymu obchodu nahlas precet tuhle zpravu. Tyhle moje laclace patri mezi nejkvalitnejsi dzinovej kousek pod sluncem, nosim je uz tak dlouho a s absolutni neopatrnosti a bez jakyhokoli osetrovani.

Ruzova kosilka je prvni kosile, kterou jsem si kdy sama usila, a vlastni temer vsechny charakteristicky rysy, ktery pro me tvori kosili.

Check out all the branches of Fara Charity Shops here -

They are surely one of the best quality charity shops I've ever known and you always find the best deals. Their huge store in Angel, North London, features mainly slightly damaged pieces. This fact, however, allows everyone to do some DIY on their purchases. The prices are strikingly low and many promising designers would buy garments and textiles from there.

Im wearing unknown denim dungarees and a shirt made by me!

@Lord Benjamin Etchells


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