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The Last Supper of the Thirteen Ballerinas

The Last Supper of the Thirteen Ballerinas was supposed to be a significant bohemian photoshoot with thirteen naked bloodless ballerinas. The ominous spirit of these photographs would be almost disturbing, yet the celestial bodies would be so alluring.

I hereby promise my vision will come to life and those photographs shall once be seen on this page.

Posledni vecere trinacti balerin bylo puvodne planovane jako ohromne bohemske foceni s trinacti bledymi nahymi baletkami. Mysticky a hrozivy charakter fotografii by byl az zneklidnujici, vsak jejich nebeska tela by svadela k touze vstoupit do obrazu samych.

Timto se upisuji dablu, ze moji vizi privedu k zivotu a jednoho dne bude na blogu k videni.

We had to act quickly and I was building a set in the garden in early morning hours, in order to be able to shoot with a camera Ben has lended for a Viking Werewolf film. Since havent yet had even the tightest of budgets for models, I sacrificed myself.....

Situace nastala necekani, a dostali jsme k dispozici pronajatou filmovou kameru. Ja zacala stavet set na zahrade v brzkych rannich hodinach. A protoze nebylo zbyti a muj rozpocet nevolal po trinacti modelkach, musela jsem obetovat sama sebe....

Outfit details: heavenly wine, pomegranates, chestnuts and bread with lemon

Photos by Ben


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