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ANIMAL SKINS and BarefootTimes Stories

I consider wearing of animal skin on your own guiltless, and it is something I have always been fond of. It has been worn by our race for centuries, and it has kept us warm and SEXY without a failure. And it gives you a feeling of empowerment. YOU ARE IMPORTANT AND STRONG.

Co se me tyce, vzdycky jsem povazovala noseni prave kuze za absolutne neprovinile. Nase rasa se do kuze obleka po staleti, pomaha nam zustat v teple a SEXY bez selhani! Nikdy nam nezapre silu a neporazitelnost!

I really think this outfit has "COOL SCRUFFINESS" written all over it. Shot on two different days, I can't quite feel content with the result. I had some sort of ,,Game Of Thrones when the ships get in" idea in my head, however what I really needed to accomplish that were two wolves and a forest laden with snow. That blatantly didn't work out, so here's what I have and at the moment it shan't get any better, for I'm still at the very beginning of this. I only decided to post one photo from the second day, for I believe it perfectly describes how I felt when the photos were being taken.

This leather belt with a silver lilly buckle was given to me by my step-grandma when I was 17 and when

I practically stopped wearing shoes and started practising barefootness everywhere. It would never be left behind on my countless late night visits to Vagon Music Club wearing floaty dresses, no shoes and tons of tangerines stuffed in my bag. Me and this belt just belong together.

Cas od casu me prepadne nalada a touha vypadat jako stylovej ale trochu spinavej pirat, a vzhled posudte sami. Od jednoho kamarada casto zaslechnu ,,ja bych Ti teda na ulici nehodil ani petnik", a ja jsem si svyho vzhledu naprost vedoma. A bavi me to.

Puvodne jsem chtela, aby tohle foceni bylo jako scena z Game of Thrones, kdy se ze vsech koutu vynori lode. Vlastne jedine, ceho bylo vskutku treba, byli dva vlci a les pokryty snehem. Vysledek co vidite je vsechno, ceho jsme dosahli. Ja myslim, ze se k tomuhle outfitu v budoucnosti vratim, a vyfotime to totozne predstavam.

Hnedy pasek se stribrnou lilii mi byl darovan nevlastni babickou, kdyz mi bylo okolo 17. To bylo dlouhe obdobi, ve kterem jsem prakticky prestala a odmitala nosit jakoukoli obuv kamkoli jsem mela zrovna namireno. Tenhle pasek by nikdy nezustal v koute, a doprovazel me na nescetne a nekonecne vypravy do Vagonu na Narodni Tride spolu s taskou preplnenou mandarinkama, kteryma jsem krmila vsechny okolo. Pevne doufam, ze ja a tenhle pasek mame pred sebou jeste nespocetne dobrodruzstvi.

Here's to the ones concerned - I do not sympathize with animal poaching for their skin.


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